Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I think the Mom's gone crazy!

Here's the deal. Last night after watching "Spongebob: The Movie" with the boys, I thought, since I was so tired that I should just go to bed. Matt had already made the coffee and put most of the dishes in the dishwasher so why not?! I was exhausted and it was already 9pm. So, going against my better judgment I turned off all of the lights, made sure the front door was locked, and headed to bed. Not a normal(??) evening for me. I didn't "close up shop" like I usually do.

Let me just give you a little back ground so you understand the craziness. It used to be that I could just do that, go to bed with out making sure everything was in it's place. But since this summer, I have become some other woman! I am completely obsessed with the order of my home! I can't just leave stuff out. Not just that though, everything must be in it's place. Including the kids.

So, last night when I went to bed. I fell asleep fine and began having horrible dreams! I won't go into it but...they were bad! And I woke up feeling as if my house was in shambles!(hence, the landfill illustration) It felt so out of control. Some thoughts racing through my mind were "How are the kids going to be able to eat breakfast?" "How am I going to be able to get my 'morning' done?" Blah, blah, blah...you get the idea. I went straight to the kitchen and got "things" started. Well, the morning went fine, no one starved or even noticed that things weren't in normal order. Just me. Am I going out of my mind? Don't answer that. I feel like I am in danger of becoming a modern day "Martha" (no not Stewart.) Luke10:38-41. Look it up you will see what I mean.


At 6:45 PM, Blogger David said...

Very strange that this has just recently begun. And nope, never noticed the kitchen, but maybe I wasn't up yet....?

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Lin said...

You are sooooooooooo your father's daughter!....which is both a compliment and a curse! ;-)


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