I seem to find myself in the middle of odd situations with people. No, not just recently,
all of the time! The kind of situations that you have to take 10 minutes to give back ground on before you can even begin to ask someone to pray for you. It is like I am a magnet for utterly broken people. I mean, people that just aren't playing with a full deck. People that are down on there luck. People that can't catch a break...people just...like me. What does God want me to do with all of this? I mean it is
hard! Hard always having the stress of finances, or relationship, or non-relationship. There are all of these games that we seemingly have to play because, "what would it look like if..." There are all of these questions that we face. And then there is the,
play it all out in your mind as if you can tell what the other person (or people) are going to say, or do, or feel. It just can't go on this way. Surely, this wasn't the plan of creation. Can't we acheive some sort of unity? Can't we just get beyond ourselves and live...for the greater good? Why do we always have to win or be right or teach someone a lesson? Can't we all serve?
Be the 'doormat'? What damage does it cause? What good does it acheive?! Stop trying
not to be taken advantage of...and let God take care of that. He is the One and only who will bring justice. We aren't going to FIX anyone.
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