Thursday, May 18, 2006


The house we live in comes with gardeners. What little yard we have really needs work every month. They mow and edge the grass along the fence and keep up with our jasmine and pretty pink flowery bush(technical term). Well, they are here today.

Just recently I was saying to myself, "Self, that jasmine is beautiful!!! I like how it looks semi over grown!" I remembered then that God made that flower/bush. So, dazzling!

Cut back to the gardeners. They have masacred my jasmine!!!!! I know, that is what you are supposed to do...pruning or whatever. But it hurts! Now its all short and stubby. Still fragrant and dazzling...and has so much hope for a better, healthier life now that it has been maintained. They could've just let it grow and then what? It would have taken over the would've gotten infested with weeds and then you wouldn't even know which one was supposed to be the flower.

God does that! To me. To His children. Pruning, I mean. He is in it for the long haul, the big picture...and that doesn't involve letting me go. That involves a ton of careful, perfect gardening!


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