Saturday, March 18, 2006


Okay, so I have been a little out of touch lately. I haven't really been in contact with myself either. You see, I go through these times, as a wife and mother, where I lose who I am. It is this weird self pity, crap that keeps coming up on me. Whaa, whaa...I just feel like everything I do is for someone else. I plan my day around everyone, wake up when they all need to be up, make what they want to eat, sleep when they sleep, watch what they want to watch, do what they want to goes on and on. Don't get me wrong, Matt and the boys don't make me do or feel these things. I think it is a classic case of spiritual warfare. There is a tempter that wants me to feel bad and blame people and bail on my life...I am NOT interested in that!!! "Get behind me!"

When I am not feeling blue, I love to do those "things" mentioned above. I want to be there for the kids and for Matt. I love taking care of them and meeting there needs! That is what I was born to do...for crying out loud, we are raising men here! ...but no one warns you about the tough times when all you want is 5 minutes to pee by yourself!!

Then, there are times like this morning...Matt has just left with all of the boys and gone to into town. Connor has a thing to do there and MY MAN decided to take all four boys and go to surf shops after Connor's appointment. WHOA! You should hear the house. It is silent! I don't really like it...ugh, women!


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