Drum roll, please...
Hey, I am back.
I am going to be bold and venture to say that I cannot have a relationship with my Lord, with out the discipline of prayer. It is just ridiculous! It makes no sense. It would be non-existant! And it is so often the case! I fall into times when I don't talk to God, or more importantly, I don't listen to God. Or even try to hear Him. And I have every excuse in the book. I am too busy. Everyone needs me. I am too tired. I don't want to. On and on. But would I treat my husband the same way. We would have (and have had) a non-relationship if we didn't talk. There was a time in our marriage that we worked opposite shifts. I would keep the kids in the morning while he worked and he would be on with the kids in the afternoon/evening while I worked. We ended up see

I remember those days of opposite shifts. I absolutely hated that period. If I remember right, we both said we would never do that again.
Depth of conversation is not the issue at first, but regular conversation is. Come as Children. We know what that looks like. Unfortunately we also know (by "know" I mean the feelings of not being listened to, feelings of disapointment etc.) what its like when Dad or Mom are too busy to pay any attention to us. This transfers (not on the surface) to our reluctance to come to God in ANY way, much less a trivial ones.
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