Saturday, February 18, 2006


When I hear the word "boundaries" I usually think of limits or lines to cross (or not cross). Or I think of setting boundaries with others, how you are willing to let others treat you. Or I think of the boundaries that Matt and I set for the boys as far as their behavior. There are a trillion ways that we keep boundaries.

I started to we go!!! Ready or not...I was thinking about boundaries in relation to love. There is a song with a line that says this, "Jesus, your love has no bounds". Why would we need to tell God about His love? He knows all about it. I think that song is for us, meaning those who enter into the love of Christ. To remind us that His love is perfect, unconditional love. His love isn't bound by anything, other than our rejecting Him. I think that song is necessary for us to sing because our human love DOES have boundaries. It is common for someone to say, "I love you unconditionally." That is a bold faced lie! The reality is that humans are incapable of doing that, on their own. We set boundaries like how much we will let someone hurt us. And when they cross over knowingly or not, that is it!...we are done! And sometimes, in dangerous situations, that is correct. But really, we are full of conditions when it comes to loving others. Not letting others in after a certain amount of "violations". How sad!

Confession time:! A human being with major faults! I hurt and dissapoint people all the time. Most importantly, I break God's heart daily(and so do you). I have crossed many borders and people have said to me, "That's it, I am done!" I am just wondering if we (as Christians) should open the borders a little. Learn what forgiveness means, learn what real love, through Jesus Christ, is. Hurts or not. It is a journey that is worth taking! And like any journey there are pitfalls and slip ups...not always clear paths to walk down. Let God carry you through. For the sake of His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.


At 1:41 PM, Blogger Me & Me said...

The boundless love of Christ keeps us in complete amazement.

Truely we will never understand the reality of God turning away from Christ. Which we will never know because of what Jesus did, suffering that in our place.

Boundless, Greatest, Amazing Love.



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