There is this thing that we go through (mostly girls) in elementary school and up. We attach to our best friends. I remember getting those "best friends forever" charms and thinking that was it! Now, we will never part! Now, we will be friends forever. What is a best friend? What is a friend, even? Sometimes it is the person who has known us the longest. And if you are lucky enough to keep in contact with that person for your whole life, maybe it is. But for me, the girls that I
so thought were going to be with me forever aren't. Time and life has gone by, we have taken different roads. Yeah, we contact and say "hey, how are you ?"randomly. But those friends don't know me as I am now. Whole, sober, and loving my God. I think that the Lord has put different types of women in my life at different times
to spur

me on and teach me things. But as for a "B.F.F." I have Stacy. I was thinking about this because I was really missing her! We live a country apart and although we don't see eachother, we are with eachother everyday! I think of her and what she means to me, everyday. We talk on the phone as often as we can. For years I prayed for someone (a friend, mentor, "sister") to come into my life and God gave me Stacy. She knows my crap, and still loves me. I know her crap, and still love her. We have shared in a ton of joyous celebrations as well as horrible pains. Stacy Garton is my 'best ever friend'!
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