Tuesday, February 07, 2006

"Heaven" is knock, knock, knocking on your door.

There is this idea in our society that heaven is some goal to achieve or some prize to win. I personally have been mulling this idea over and find it rather annoying. The whole idea that "if I fight the good fight and run the good race" I will go there when I die. That is, to me, consumer Christianity. Meaning,'' what's in it for me?'' ''We don't want to waste our time or energy if we aren't even going to get anything out of it''. Right? ...WRONG! No way!!! We need to have a shift. Our lives are to be lived in Christ. IN Him. Not towards Him. Not around Him. In Him. Constant connection, in the very core of our being, our soul. The very air we breathe.

When Adam and Eve fell, the human spirit was broken. But for all who accept him, our spirits were restored when Jesus Christ was crucified and then ascended into heaven to sit a the right hand of the Father. My broken, ugly, detestable sin nature was provided a way to be back in right relationship with my Father! Made clean. Nothing that I did or ever will do can accomplish that! There is no amount of trying to be righteous or holy that is going to put my spirit in tune with God's. I can't do that! Human beings can't be holy! God makes me holy. Jesus Christ makes me righteous in God's eyes. The Holy Spirit guides my path. I do need to open the door. Choose to be led. Choose to be still and know the He is God. Choose to listen to His voice and obey His commands. All of this, though, is built on knowing Him. Walking, talking, and living in Him.

I am just scratching the surface myself. God is giving me an abundance of understanding and cleaning out my mind and heart. He is helping me to see how simple it really is. Not easy, but without clutter and noise. He is stripping away all of the layers of junk that I thought were necessary. The only thing that I see now is Him. That is heaven to me, being in the presence of the Lord. In all of His glory and perfection. That is my prayer for all of you.


At 7:04 AM, Blogger Me & Me said...

He says, "Be still and know I am God." You will see!


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