Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Is it really a change?

Something came up today with my "Tuesday Morning Girls". That when we pray it can change God's mind. Just thought I would think about that more...
I tried to picture God hearing a case for something and saying, "Ya know Steph, that isn't a bad idea. I'll do it." Some how that doesn't seem accurate.
So, it is dinner time and Connor asks me, like he does everynight, "What's for dinner?" I started rattling off the menu, "Tonight it's cheeseburgers on a wheat bun, salad and...." "Mac and Cheese!", Connor interupted. Little did he know, that was next on the list. So, I said, "Ya know Connor, that isn't a bad idea. I'll do it."

Maybe that is what it is like for God and us, too. Maybe when we pray and ask for what's in His perfect will, He says, "Sure!" I don't know....

What if my plan for dinner wasn't cheesy macaroni? What if the plan was green beans (for his own good, of course)? Something to really think about, but not essential to understanding. Mystery is sometimes good!


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