Thursday, March 02, 2006


Calvin. The youngest of four sons. Sweet little Calvin. Isn't he precious?! A toddler sleeping, what is sweeter than that? I'll tell you what...the carton of frosting that he ate in my closet this morning!! Yeah, that's right. Chocolate frosting!

I am learning a whole new side to this little boy. Let me fill you in. First, yesterday, while he was quietly watching "Blue's Clues" on the laptop, I went to make dinner. Awesome, a full 24 minute video to keep him busy. Well, he was busy alright! I went in to check on him between stirs, letters from the keyboard all over my bed!!! He was plucking them off one by one! How fun is that?! Later in the evening, he ate some chocolate frosting that was leftover in the fridge from last weekend's cupcakes. He sort of went nutso! He was running around, jumping and making strange noises. Unable to control himself and then put himself to bed after a crying fit at like 7pm...SUGAR CRASH!

Then this morning, he gets the same tub of chocolatey sweet goodness and asks to have some. I said, "No, put it away." We were not going to have a replay of last night. He did. But he went back when I wasn't looking, took it, went to hide in my closet and proceeded to eat almost all of it with his hands!! It was everywhere!!! Hands, face, pants, carpet, wall...UGH!

Matt brought up a good point, as usual. What caused our 2 1/2 year old son to know that he had to hide? Environment? Maybe partially, but more than that! There must be (even at his age) something in his human nature that caused him to take his disobedience into the closet! Adam and Eve hid.


At 3:18 PM, Blogger Adam R. Crawford said...

That's adorable.

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Me & Me said...

Yeah, adorable....that's the ticket...adorable. riiiight.


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