I have come to a realization...want to read it? Okay. As Matt's wife and the boys' mom I have a lot of responsibilities. Yeah, there are the dailies like keeping them all fed, clean, hugged, kissed and on schedule. But there is so much more to who they are. They ar

en't just these physical beings requiring only physical things. More importanly, they each have heart, mind, and soul. I am here, on their behalf, to engage in the "spiritual battle". Is there anyone who knows a husband better than his wife? Or children better than their mother? Who has the down low on their situations, and attitudes...with context? She is me! EUREKA!!That is it! I need to be on my face before the Heavenly Father, interceding for them. Covering them always. What power there is in that!! Thank you, God, for this honorable responsibility...privelage!
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