Friday, December 21, 2007


This last week has been rough. Here was our iternerary...
Monday: Boys to school, Matt to work, Calvin to Grandpa's and Mom to the dentist to extract two of the four wisdom teeth.(the other two will be taken Jan. 7th)
Tuesday: Boys to school, Matt to work, Calvin and I to stay home for my recovery time.
Wednesday: Boys to school, Matt to work, Cal and I more recovery and get ready for Grandma to come and hang while Matt and I go to the company Christmas dinner.
Then there is Thursday when time/schedules didn't matter: Boys to school, Matt to work...While wrestling with Christian, Calvin fell back and hit his head on the carpet floor, Calvin cries more than usual, Calvin throws up(red flag), Calvin falls immediatley to sleep(red flag!!)...but not before he told me that he wanted to go to heaven...can you even believe he said that??!! Mom and Calvin go to the doctor, Mom cries more than usual, Calvin is checked out...and a CT scan is ordered. We drive to another facility that would take less time to get in, MUCH more crying and praying for sweet Calvin. Calvin eats some lunch and soon after throws it up...falls asleep in the car. Next, CT scan, and back to our doc for another exam and the reading of the scan...Results: Negative for bleeding or swelling...Calvin is diagnosed with a concussion. He is VERY sleepy and must be constantly monitored for the next 24 hours. A SERIOUS talk with all four sons (with lots of crying from Mom) about the dangers of rough housing occurs. Thursday night waking Calvin up a few times to make sure he can.
Friday: All seems well. Calvin still complains of a headache and his symptoms can last for up to a month! But with rest and time he will heal fine.
These are the things that often give us a HUGE slap in the face and remind us that our time is limited here. It isn't always going to be crazy, loud, sleep deprived, sons will be grown some day and I am to cherish ALL of the time that I have with each of them. It doesn't take a huge dramatic fall off of a roof for my son to have a concussion...he fell on the carpet. It could have been worse, a whole ton worse...and thank God that it wasn't.
So for today: recovery for Calvin (and Mom, I'm exhausted)