Hey there! Lately, I haven't been keeping up on the blog scene. Here's why...
Our last six months started off with a bang...
1st Cameron whacked his leg on our white board for a whopping six stitches.
2nd Calvin fell in the living room while wrestling with Christian. That led to a very scary morning that included a CT scan and a concussion diagnosis.
3rd Cameron flipped over his handle bars which ended in SEVERAL stab wounds from the rocks on his face. The ER doc glued him up good!
4th Connor swinging on two desks in the classroom fell and smacked his head on the concrete/tile floor...was disoriented for approximatly 30 min. Was sent to the office, walked into the office turned around and went to the cafeteria and sat down to eat. This lead to another ER visit, CT scan and concussion diagnosis.
5th (12 DAYS LATER!!) Connor, while surfing, smacked his face/mouth on his surf board which results in four stitches inside of his top lip.
6th Calvin skateboarding at the Santa Barbara Skate Park, falls. His helmet jolted back exposing his forehead. Instant goose egg and vomitting. Back to the CT scan for him. 2nd concussion diagnosis.
7th Cameron. Can't find him. Christian and Connor lost track of him about an hour before coming home. They thought he came home. He didn't. So after physically looking for him in the house, calling everyone we know, searching in all of our normal play spots, calling the police and searching some more...we found him. He was in a family's home that we have never played with before. Til 9:30!!!!!!! Ugh, the most agonizing few hours of my whole life.
8th and final(for now) Christian riding a mini motorcycle falls in the field behind our house, on his wrist. After about 24 hours he is still in pain, and it is swollen. Xrays reveal no broken bones. Just a bad sprain. In a splint for a week!
Can I have a break now?