Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fascinated by simple things.

Little ones are so easily fascinated! Take this snail for example. He is just doing what he does. Calvin and Elise are completely taken by a good thirty minutes of slimy entertainment! I love it!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

A conversation with m'boy.

So, Cameron and I were chatting this morning on our walk to the bus. He said to me, "Do I have to get married?" I said, "No, you don't have to. You could stay single, if you want." "My friend said that I have to marry a girl when I get big. I don't want to get married." "Well, Cameron," I replied, "God says in the bible that it would be better for you to do his work if you can stay single." Cam said to me in his priceless way, "I don't want to get married, cuz you have to kiss...that is gross! Remind me, mom, when I get big. Help me remember not to get married, 'kay?" "Okay Cameron..."

I love how his mind works...not sure if he will feel the same when he "gets big".

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Cure for the common woman...

So, a cure for my previous post:

step#1: get an amazing husband that will take all four of your sons all day so that you can do step #2 and on top of that... buys you peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and peeps (two of my absolute favorite treats!!).

step #2: go get an in depth facial.

For Christmas this year David (Matt's bro) gave my mom and I a four time visit package to a local salon. The first visit was hair, this time it was face! And let me just say...THANKS DAVE! I went in thinking that it was going to be like the facial that you get at the mall. NOT was amazing. First, Mandy (the facial giver) takes you to this low lit room with soft music and aromatherapy. You put on the gown thingy and a heated bed with really soft blankets. She comes in and you just close your eyes and enjoy the decollete massage and deep skin stuff. The aroma is mostly lavendar and stuff like that. By the time it was over I was like butter. Too bad I had to re-enter the nasty world. I really didn't want to come out of that room. That's okay though, in two weeks we go back for visit #3: exfolliating back salt glow...and some other stuff. yesssssss...

Ahhhhhh....I am much better now!


Okay, so I have been a little out of touch lately. I haven't really been in contact with myself either. You see, I go through these times, as a wife and mother, where I lose who I am. It is this weird self pity, crap that keeps coming up on me. Whaa, whaa...I just feel like everything I do is for someone else. I plan my day around everyone, wake up when they all need to be up, make what they want to eat, sleep when they sleep, watch what they want to watch, do what they want to goes on and on. Don't get me wrong, Matt and the boys don't make me do or feel these things. I think it is a classic case of spiritual warfare. There is a tempter that wants me to feel bad and blame people and bail on my life...I am NOT interested in that!!! "Get behind me!"

When I am not feeling blue, I love to do those "things" mentioned above. I want to be there for the kids and for Matt. I love taking care of them and meeting there needs! That is what I was born to do...for crying out loud, we are raising men here! ...but no one warns you about the tough times when all you want is 5 minutes to pee by yourself!!

Then, there are times like this morning...Matt has just left with all of the boys and gone to into town. Connor has a thing to do there and MY MAN decided to take all four boys and go to surf shops after Connor's appointment. WHOA! You should hear the house. It is silent! I don't really like it...ugh, women!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Drum roll, please...

Hey, I am back.

I am going to be bold and venture to say that I cannot have a relationship with my Lord, with out the discipline of prayer. It is just ridiculous! It makes no sense. It would be non-existant! And it is so often the case! I fall into times when I don't talk to God, or more importantly, I don't listen to God. Or even try to hear Him. And I have every excuse in the book. I am too busy. Everyone needs me. I am too tired. I don't want to. On and on. But would I treat my husband the same way. We would have (and have had) a non-relationship if we didn't talk. There was a time in our marriage that we worked opposite shifts. I would keep the kids in the morning while he worked and he would be on with the kids in the afternoon/evening while I worked. We ended up seeing eachother for about 1 collective hour per day. And that time was spent giving update on the kids (what they ate, if they pooped, ya know the usual). And the other time was spent trying to coordinate the next day. A pretty poor picture of a deep meaningful relationship. Thank God we are out of that. Relationships take time, energy, work and sincerity. I have heard it said that "Prayer is the conduit to the all important relationship with our Lord and Savior!" If we aren't plugging in...there is NO power. Whoa dude!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Again, I say REJOICE!

In honor of my 25th post I am eating another amazing snack by "Chex Mix". (thanks Mom!) The peanut butter version! A-MAZ-ING!!! Stop what you are doing, get in the car, go to the grocery store and buy some right now!!! You will not regret it! No, really...go!

Happy 25th my dear blog! (you're right, I am a little nutso. Stay tuned!)

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Calvin. The youngest of four sons. Sweet little Calvin. Isn't he precious?! A toddler sleeping, what is sweeter than that? I'll tell you what...the carton of frosting that he ate in my closet this morning!! Yeah, that's right. Chocolate frosting!

I am learning a whole new side to this little boy. Let me fill you in. First, yesterday, while he was quietly watching "Blue's Clues" on the laptop, I went to make dinner. Awesome, a full 24 minute video to keep him busy. Well, he was busy alright! I went in to check on him between stirs, letters from the keyboard all over my bed!!! He was plucking them off one by one! How fun is that?! Later in the evening, he ate some chocolate frosting that was leftover in the fridge from last weekend's cupcakes. He sort of went nutso! He was running around, jumping and making strange noises. Unable to control himself and then put himself to bed after a crying fit at like 7pm...SUGAR CRASH!

Then this morning, he gets the same tub of chocolatey sweet goodness and asks to have some. I said, "No, put it away." We were not going to have a replay of last night. He did. But he went back when I wasn't looking, took it, went to hide in my closet and proceeded to eat almost all of it with his hands!! It was everywhere!!! Hands, face, pants, carpet, wall...UGH!

Matt brought up a good point, as usual. What caused our 2 1/2 year old son to know that he had to hide? Environment? Maybe partially, but more than that! There must be (even at his age) something in his human nature that caused him to take his disobedience into the closet! Adam and Eve hid.